How Porn Fuels Sex Trafficking (with Benji Nolot)
Jan 30, 2023
In this episode, you'll learn four ways pornography fuels sex trafficking...and what we can do about it. Award-winning filmmaker Benji Nolot reveals what goes on behind the scenes of pornography.
Benji Nolot is committed to the abolition of modern-day slavery by campaigning to shift cultural mindsets and laws that would abolish commercial sexual exploitation. He founded Exodus Cry in 2008 after being inspired by the life of William Wilberforce. In everything he does, Benji is driven by a conviction that every person should be free.
How you can be part of the solution:
Sign the petition: Traffickinghub
Watch Nefarious: Merchant Of Souls
Watch Raised On Porn: The New Sex Ed
Sign the petition: Protect Children, Not Porn